St Albans City & District Council have released their Climate Action Plan that was agreed and signed by all political parties.
The District has relatively low carbon emissions per resident (4 tCO2) but higher than London (3.2 tCO2) where there is much better public transport infrastructure (using latest published figures from 2018).
Much of the progress to date has been built upon Conservative initiatives including re-fitting council houses with improved insulation and new Class A boilers, new build sports centres with low energy usage and solar panels, improved cycling facilities, becoming a zero plastic council and delivering over 60% recycling rates.
We will be encouraging the Council to develop sound business cases and achievable actions to deliver maximum carbon emissions reductions. This could include converting 5,000 council houses to zero emission standards through extensive re-fit and upgrade with renewable energy solutions. The costs are likely to be significant at £70k per home if following the Energiesprong standard. Although costs are predicted to drop to £35k per home in the future.