I have lived in Marshalswick for many years and, until 2022, was a ward councillor for Jersey Farm and Sandridge. I served on many council committees, including planning and scrutiny, I know the area extremely well and gained a huge insight into the district as a whole when I served as Mayor. I always worked very hard to represent all residents and helped in every way that I could.
Since I left the Council, I have worked with residents to push a local developer to fulfil their planning obligations and I have achieved the installation of a bridleway. I also fundraise for the Smallford station on the Alban Way. I am on the management committee of Jersey Farm Woodland Park and work on projects such as hedge, tree and wildflower planting, hedge laying and general maintenance.
If elected I will hold the Lib Dems to account for their financial mismanagement. Currently there is little opposition and very poor decisions are being made.